It's a toss-up for my favorite lines.
After all, what archivist could resist the following lyric?:
"He collected many manuscripts and worked without delay.
To preserve for posterity.
To preserve for posterity."
To preserve for posterity.
To preserve for posterity."
But the chorus does tug at my heartstrings:
"Oh, Bancroft, brave Bancroft,
'Twas a name known to fame in days of yore;
May it ever be glorious
Till the sun shall climb in the heavens no more."
'Twas a name known to fame in days of yore;
May it ever be glorious
Till the sun shall climb in the heavens no more."
A note at the bottom of the sheet says the song should be sung to the tune of "Lord Jeffrey Amherst" the fight song of Amherst College. In case you have the irrepressible urge to honor H.H.B. in song, you can get the tune by listening to "Lord Jeffrey" at http://www.amherst57.org/members/lyrics.htm. Just click on the button on the left for "Lord Jeffrey."
--E. Van Lith